Hit Longer, Straighter Drives

Hit longer, straighter drives with a better forearm release through impact.

In this video, Master PGA Professional and Explanar inventor, Luther Blacklock, talks to you about the importance of fully releasing your forearms through impact to create extra power and distance with your driver.

Although it is trendy these days to hear coaches talking about releasing the club with the upper body, for most golfers that is a recipe for disaster. Unless you are physically very strong, it is difficult to square the clubface at impact with upper body rotation alone. Most golfers will benefit from the extra clubhead speed that can be created with a more active release of the forearms – especially with the driver.

For beginner golfers, experienced golfers, senior golfers and junior golfers, our goal at Explanar is to make learning to play golf as intuitive, effective and enjoyable as possible. Across all of our social media channels and our website – www.explanar.com – you will find a wide range of golf instruction content, from long game, short game and putting techniques to course management and on-course strategy.

We want to help you improve your golf, as well as help you fix the most common faults, including how to fix your slice, fix your hook, help you hit longer drives, hit longer, straighter iron shots, and help you draw and fade your golf shots. We will also help you lower your scores and your handicap by showing you how to chip and pitch the ball closer to the hole from all distances and all lies.

Plus, with the help of our new Explanar Putting Mat, we will help you develop a better putting stroke, read greens more effectively and eliminate those frustrating three-putts!

Master PGA Professional Luther Blacklock invented the Explanar Swing Trainer after realising that, despite his 30 years of working with golfers of all levels, one key ingredient was missing from his coaching skills – the ability to teach feel. Luther realised that his pupils not only need to understand how to swing the golf club to hit the shot, they also need to ‘feel’ what it is like to swing on their optimum biomechanical swing plane. If you can achieve this, you will hit much longer, straighter and more consistent golf shots.

Launched in 2001, the Explanar Golf Swing Trainer is now used in over 40 countries and can be found at some of the world’s most prestigious golf clubs.


Our Links

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ExplanarSwingTrainer

Twitter: @explanar

Web: www.explanar.com

Instagram: @explanargolf


Watch Our Most Popular Videos

A Lesson with Explanar: https://youtu.be/fk_oijBGKHo

Learn From Lee Trevino: https://youtu.be/XEQvqrdgh54

Butch Harmon and Explanar: https://youtu.be/ZSb1oporubU


How Explanar Works

The Explanar Golf Swing Trainer teaches and trains your muscles to perform the perfect golf swing. It allows you to stop thinking about your swing and enables you to feel it instead. Using The Explanar at home for just 10 minutes a day helps you create muscle memory that is automatically recalled by your subconscious when you play. It’s the equivalent of hitting 150 balls at a driving range. That’s more than 1,000 practice swings a week – all on a perfect plane! With an adjustable hoop and plane sensor,

The Explanar can be set to your individual height and physique, and works with every golf club in the bag. The patented Power Roller guides your muscles along your optimum swing plane, grooving the sensation of the perfect movement. Using the Explanar Swing Trainer for just 10 minutes a day will rapidly improve your shoulder coil, forearm control and wrist hinge – the three key components to creating a solid, consistent and optimum golf swing. The repeated movement also strengthens your arms and back muscles while also increasing balance and flexibility. Good luck with your golf!

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